Benefits of cause-related marketing
In a general term, cause-related marketing (CRM) is considered as a mutually beneficial collaboration among a corporation and a non-profit organization for the purpose of promoting sales of corporation and the cause of NPO. When CRM will be applied in the Award Studio then it will benefit the company is various manner (Peter and James 45). For instance, the advertising strategy of company is to do an emotional appeal to their target customer then it must opt for cause-related marketing as through this they can appeal emotionally to them. Further, it will also aid in building connection with their clients for a long period of time. Moreover, the target audience of the firm is niche marketer then cause-related marketing strategy will best work for them and through this company could attract large pool of customers (Cherian and Jolly 117).
Involvement of Award Studio for two cause in a community
Majorly, there are two causes of community to which Award Studio must support them in order to benefit them. However, this will help the firm in doing effective marketing of its services (Hollensen 34). The first cause is the deprivation of education of underprivileged children and the stoppage of global warming. The firm should provide education to these underprivileged kids by way of opening schools in slum areas or by collaborating with the non-profit organizations. Furthermore, by providing services in an eco-friendly way, the firm could achieve its objectives. The company can invest into these causes because they are the most vulnerable causes of community and due to these causes; nation’s economy and environment is getting degraded. Thus, by raising them, company can do benefit to society as well as to themselves (Cronin and et al 158).
Green Marketing
It is generally a process where selling of product and services is based upon the environmental benefits. It means that the product and services must be environmental friendly in itself or must have produced in an eco-friendly manner (Rahbar and Nabsiah 73). It has become very essential for all business to be aware about the green marketing and it is a most important factor which would help in achieving the company’s objectives. Thus, to aware themselves and to accomplish the marketing objectives, the firm must get involved into green marketing. In this, company can make their services by an eco-friendly method. By this, the firm could attract large number of customers and can achieve competitive advantage which can be used against its competitors (Ottman 67).
Involvement and promotion of green marketing
There are several ways of doing green marketing by Award Studio firm and through this they can promote their business in an effective manner. Similarly, Award Studio could involve in all the ways or in few of them in order to promote their green marketing efforts. For that aspect, company must do the online marketing so that unnecessarily paper and other resources do not get wasted. However, the firm is already doing online marketing and is the only advertising company in a whole market which has adopted this media for the promotions. Further, the other way in which company could get involve into green marketing is by doing donations and charities for the improvement of environment (Polonsky 1311). Along with that, the most important effort a company can do is by creating an eco-friendly selling point where they could use low-energy solutions, sustainable product, recycled materials, etc. Thus, it will aid the company in building strong connection with their clients.
Work cited
Cherian, Jacob, and Jolly Jacob. "Green marketing: A study of consumers’ attitude towards environment friendly products." Asían social science 8.12 (2012): 117.
Cronin, J. Joseph, et al. "Green marketing strategies: an examination of stakeholders and the opportunities they present." Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science39.1 (2011): 158-174.
Hollensen, Svend. Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education, 2015.
Ottman, Jacquelyn. The new rules of green marketing: Strategies, tools, and inspiration for sustainable branding. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2011.
Peter, J. Paul, and James H. Donnelly. Marketing management: knowledge and skills: text, analysis, cases, plans. Plano: Business pub., INC, 2011.
Polonsky, Michael Jay. "Transformative green marketing: Impediments and opportunities." Journal of Business Research 64.12 (2011): 1311-1319.
Polonsky, Michael Jay. "Transformative green marketing: Impediments and opportunities." Journal of Business Research 64.12 (2011): 1311-1319.